Wouldn’t it be better if you could hear this?

Threshold designs places of gathering to
learn, share wisdom, and pass along culture.

We are a studio of Acoustic and Audio/Video design consultants who help our clients see what they want to hear.

Partner Scott Pfeiffer discusses the impact of architectural acoustics on our health. Our hearing evolved in the complexity of the forest, a place without boundaries. Tiny sounds, precisely discerned from the noise of the woods, conveyed life and death information. That same precision is innate to our team of acousticians, physicists, musicians, and audio/video specialists and informs our work as design consultants.

As design consultants, we provide tailored, artistic, and science-backed answers to the project’s biggest questions.

  • Our ears process sound based on the shape and finishing of surfaces and objects in a room. This service includes developing design criteria, overall room geometry, finish materials and composition to  support clear and effective communication and optimize the character of the room’s response.

  • Sound from other spaces or entirely outside a building can intrude into a space, causing stress and distraction. Sound Isolation can help create an environment free from undesirable acoustic intrusion through thoughtful design of a room’s or building’s enclosure. This work includes sound transmission studies and development of mitigation strategies. 

  • Sound propagates through outdoor environments and is often assessed as noise pollution and its effects on wildlife and human communities. This work includes modeling studies and the development of mitigation strategies. 

  • Integrated system design for audio, video, and control systems. Work includes essential information for the program spaces, including requirements for AV equipment and infrastructure for integration into the architectural and building systems design.

  • Acoustically modeling a room or a series of rooms allows us to quickly and iteratively evaluate the effects of variations on room shaping, interior materials, and isolation approaches.  

  • Accessible and inclusive Acoustics and AV Systems design to create an equitable experience for all participants.

  • Strategies deployed to create appropriately quiet spaces by addressing the sound and vibration generated by Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing, and specialty building systems, among others. This work includes acoustic modeling studies and development of mitigation strategies.


Threshold consultants approach the visual realm of architecture to reinforce the subtlety, power, and delight that sound can bring to the built environment.



The quality and clarity of sound and video remains paramount. We seek the highest quality of experience that delivers power, fidelity, and nuance for everyday and once-in-a-lifetime experiences.


Sound gives us common ground to grow together. We all have so much to learn of each other’s cultures and languages, too much for any one of us to take it all in.

Our hearing evolved in nature, where tiny sounds, precisely discerned from the noises of nature, conveyed life and death information.

The invisible can still connect us.

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