Samantha Thomas
Director of Marketing and Communications
Samantha brings her education in vocal music performance and her work experience in marketing communications for symphonies and architects to the team at Threshold. She works with the partners to share their knowledge in the fields of acoustics and A/V generously through each unique voice. Sam believes we’re all in search of places to belong, and hopes her work connecting voices from both fields will lead to deep and meaningful future spaces.
On enneagram tests she always scores an even split of a 3 and 7, forming the tragic combination of a playful and pragmatic project manager. This natural drama led her to music (or maybe it was just the operatic diva drapes and Whitney Houston ballads of The Bodyguard Soundtrack). Samantha loves surprises, and her favorite word “yes” has led to an unconventional career path that began in Arts Administration for the Chicago Youth Symphony Orchestras where she learned how much more fun is had behind the scenes than on the stage. A casual interest in interior design led to a return to school to become a designer for the concert halls of the world. While studying design she began work in the marketing department at Skidmore, Owings, & Merrill where she first learned what cantilevers and travertine were all about. Her architecture education then exploded at Studio Gang where she saw firsthand the value of design listening. She continues to hone this craft at Threshold and as the Executive Producer at Spirit of Space making films about design.