Christine Isfan
Director of Human Resources
Being the Director of Human Resources means having a sense of what everyone does and pivoting between numerous roles in the same day. For some this might sound exhausting but for Christine it’s a dream.
After all, Christine comes to Threshold after having gone back to school for Computer Science but while taking a business class she discovered accounting and really liked it. Then, her overachiever status was set when she realized that with just a handful more classes she could graduate with a degree in Accounting, Financial Services, and HR. However, as she took these studies out into the real world, there was one minor hiccup: sitting still and deep-diving into data wasn’t her strong suit.
Meanwhile, over the decades Christine’s work history took her to an insurance company, a recycling company, her own gift basket company, and a real estate company. It was with the real estate company that she officially started working in Human Resources, after informally managing it at previous jobs. Working in this role gave her the variety her livelong learner-brain craved: from recruiting to event planning, from onboarding to inter-office informational sessions she loved getting to know people and learning how she could help them do better at work. Hiccup resolved, she found out what she loved doing the most: working within the office to create a better overall work environment.
While we at Threshold have breathed a sigh of relief with Christine as part of our team, Christine is also enjoying a corporate culture that’s a little less corporate and a little more culture: she’s already gone to see our very own Angela Born perform.
At home, Christine finds relaxation in just about any craftwork: quilting, needlework, scrapbooking. Her husband has been a DJ since the ‘70s and, true to her style, she created a database for his vinyl records as well as her own collection of antique books.